
New item added to Sheen.

One of the items we receive many inquiries is a ring with three Akoya pearls. Pearls are 7-7.5mm round very high quality ones. They were available in two colors, untreated natural golden and white. They used to be made of 18K gold, but unfortunately it is no longer in stock. In the near future, we plan to resell a ring with the same design and pearls of the same quality, but since we are planning to use 10K gold, the price will be slightly lower. Everything else is exactly the same. Although only Japanese size JPN14 is available, we have decided to start displaying the two samples (white and golden) that we produced as samples starting next week. We apologize for the size limitations, but we can recommend it to those who fit the size. There are only two JPN14. I think I can handle it with some size adjustments. In addition to these two items, the following rings will be included. It's a pretty impressive ring, but it's a South Sea semi-round 13mm and 12mm ring. The size is JPN1

Our new year dishes- fusion style.

 Even when I'm busy, I usually make something myself, but this year (not something I'm proud of   ) I didn't make any osechi dishes. "Osechi" is traditional  Japanese new year dishes. The last day for work in 2023 was December 29th, and everyone at the workshop  worked to the fullest until the end for the coming shipment set in mid January.  I had predicted in advance that this would happen, so I made a reservation for New Year's dishes at a restaurant in Bangkok, just like last year, knowing that I would probably not have time to prepare the dishes because I would be so busy with cleaning. On the 30th, I cleaned my house, but it took a lot of time to clean the kitchen and bathroom, the washing machine was running at full speed, and I couldn't finish all the work I had planned on that day.  Chef T went  out to the field to fly, so I ended up shopping late at night. I continued to work on the remaining work on the 31st and finally had the room sparkling by
Recently, there is a stone that both our craftsmen and I have become obsessed with. Everyone knows that stone. It's turquoise. I was just thinking to myself that the first piece of jewelry I ever owned when I was young (really young)  was a silver ring with a turquoise inlay. Unlike ruby, sapphire, and jade, I've never really thought about the value of turquoise as a gemstone, and I've always thought that it's a beautiful color for ornaments.  But for some reason which is offered by our customer, I've recently become very interested in turquoise. I'm starting to get curious.  There is a saying that often appears on YouTube from people who are successful at business ``The way to instantly increase your luck is to make the area around your face shine brightly.'' From the perspective of foreigners, Japanese people's faces are too plain and dark.  When I looked back on myself, I realized that this may indeed be the case. Sheen's Japanese customers of
Although it is a natural opal, black opal whose background color is darkened by smoke is sold in Bangkok, but there are various problems in its processing, and polishing craftsmen continue to be troubled to solve them. If you search the net, you will find only negative things, such as the natural play-of-color (play-of-color effect) disappears when you polish it, or it becomes dark like a cloud and cannot be repaired. I asked for professional opinion, but I didn't get an answer because smoke treatment is done in Africa not in Bangkok. Our  craftsmen have been working on this for weeks,  but it seems that they haven't fully mastered the technique yet. However, the answer   seems to have come to light only recently. Of course, choosing good quality is the first step, but making beautiful things shine more beautifully is depends on craftsmanship. It finally came true with this black opal. That's how Sheen  got a stunning black opal ring and pendant. I would like to sell it as

Four-leaf clover Jadeite pendant for summer

 We have received a lot of inquiries about pendants, probably because it is the season when clothes that open the chest are comfortable. In particular, the gentle shine of jade is not as flashy as the sparkling crystals, but it gives you a sense of security as if you are wearing a lucky charm, so you will definitely want to take it with you anytime, anywhere. One of the most popular items at this time of year is the four-leaf clover openwork. The openwork lines are thin but surprisingly strong. High-quality jade has few spots and has an ice-like transparency, so it is possible to carve delicate details that are fragile with other minerals. Today, we made two pieces of four-leaf clover for the first time in three years. Both the pendant head and bracelet have 14K yellow gold parts. It's a green that looks great on a white T-shirt. It makes me feel happy just by wearing it. Since the length can be adjusted, it can be used for a wide range of arms. In addition, the pair shape  Imperia

The stone with refreshing lavender blue color.

 When I was looking for a lavender jade,  I happened to see the one  that had been left as it is for some new item,  The lavender jade has  plump looking, well-shaped, fresh and youthful color, and is so large that it seems to almost protrude from the finger.   I was wondering why I left it unfinished even though I made the prototype. I have handled a variety of large lavender jade, but this one is quite large, so when I weighed it, It was much bigger than expected Even if the rough stone has darker color,  after cutting,  usually  the color becomes much lighter.  It is rare to find something that has such transparency and color as in the photo. The reason why the ring production did not proceed was that one day when the prototype was almost completed, I wondered if a pendant of this stone size would be better or not. It may be what I thought. I found a unused bail with diamonds , so I tried to match it. I think that if I make a stone seat with a simple design where the prongs are not